Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. rt is Peto ee ¥ aes a = pact ge aa ow Ni, payer G05 20.76 dhediabit CONTRIBUTIONS TOWARD A FLORA OF NEVADA } NO. h.0 PINACEAE, RUTACEAE, MELIACEAE, ANACARDIACEAE, TAMARICACEAE, CORNACEAE, OLEACEAE, BIGNONIACEAE OF NEVADA by ELBERT L.|LITTLE, JR. June 28, 1956 A series prepared through the cooperation of the National Arboretum and the Section of Plant Introduction Horticultural Crops Research Branch Agricultural Research Service U. S. Department of Agriculture Plant Industry Station Beltsville, Md. Address all inquiries concerning this series to W. Andrew Archer, Plant Industry Station, Beltsville, Maryland. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Pinus monophylla. . ...+...... . «Frontispiece PimaGGa e's ne) ie ote! 6 MA paaths MIRC Aes Neils) votes lu Rutaceaesstdeo.. sageewatet. dhs iateneee «campos Meliaceae. 2 Misys. Wa GasOArivoes. sagas. ly = 16 ANAICAPGIACCAC s: elo ay on Voubel ces eteidinlel mies le “lel eutelucemantveu fe aoe Tamariicacese.. 7s i.) otf) seen ol Lie 6s lo ae 8) SO Cornaceses, sy ee.2 6 lo sc Oe SAS RENE ot oc ells ol ere ae DIL EOS ONEACEAGS ai ss elt lures ol. Orta viehheyl oli ereMi eu eS onli en mereOL lot Ba cMmOnwaCedgis: st tctues csi te, weilis prs ceuikern ot oy oi Gell ehinoumts lee ome amTaT INDEX. © ° e e a o o o ° ° e e e ° e s ° e e e e 78 per, 81 PIMAGKAE OF wEVATA+ (Pine Fawtly) By lbert'L, 1a¢ttte, s - he oF) ek | * . _ = i" ht er, po pall, Rien i bts rece : bein Le trees 3°S whe be yo 5 eres af nr ae the 6 omar y ae evprgrepn ny te 4, i lee a dis te Mn | 5 @) { ' 1 FUCA adie tl Re R a ENE ‘a eae yt Pie \ . 4a dey bw VS ¥ a) rh y var ERA, +. ty < ‘ 2 (a RAE RE AB ONIN Cm eas) ANB nme wre noeKne yew GamMlly), “4 eA 4 i r ‘ viie chor 2 3 a" Go TAs ‘ Yoreb hy { mv Singleleaf pinyon (Pinus monophylla Torr. & Frem. ), the State tree of Nevada. Photograph by Elbert L. Little, Jr. PINACEAE OF NEVADA, (Pine Family) By Elbert L. Little, Jr.@ Resinous trees (rarely shrubs), mostly with a continuous unbranch- ed axis, the secondary wood without vessels, with scaly buds (some- times naked), evergreen (in all Nevada species) or sometimes deciduous. Leaves alternate, opposite, or whorled, linear, often needlelike, or scalelike, rarely lanceolate, sometimes of 2 forms, estipulate. With- out true flowers or fruits, the pollen and naked seeds borne in uni- sexual cones or strobilis; monoecious (mostly dioecious in Juniperus ); male strobili small and herbaceous, with many scales or microsporo- Nevada specimens in the following herbaria have been examined: United States National Museum, National Arboretum, United States Forest Service, University of Nevada, and Nevada Agricultural Experi- ment Station. 1 Taxus brevifolia Nutt. (Pacific yew), of the Taxaceae (yew family), is native in the Sierra Nevada of central California but apparently not also in Nevada. This species was recorded from Nevada by C. L. Anderson (Rpt. Mineral. Nev. 1869 and 1870: 116-128. 1871) “in an ear- ly list containing a few other species not recorded from the State by later authors. One specimen in the herbarium of the Nevada Agricul- tural Experiment Station is labeled as follows: "A.A.Heller, May 2, 1910, Morrillis Lake, above Verdi, Washoe Co." That lake has not been located on maps and may be in California, since Verdi is less than 1 mile from the State line. These doubtful records are the only ones of this species for Nevada. Billings (Nev. Trees, ed. 2, 8. 195i) noted that Taxus baccata L. (English yew) is planted in western Nevada. 2 Forester (dendrology), Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. ope phylls bearing on lower or abaxial side 2-6 sporangia mostly in early spring; female cr ovulate strobili with numerous or sometimes few scales, mostly subtended by a bract, typically bearing 2 (sometimes several) naked ovules on upper or adaxial side. Mature female stro- bilus generally a woody cone, ovoid or globose (in Juniperus fleshy and berrylike); seeds naked, with or without wings, with endosperm, embryo with 2-several caotyiedons. Widely distributed in temperate and subtropical regions, best represented in the north temperate zone, by some authors divided into three families, Pinaceae, Taxodiaceae, and Gupressaceae. About 33 genera and about 350 species, with 13 native genera in the United States. Of great economic importance, this family is perhaps first in world production of softwood timber and lumber, pulpwood, and naval stores. Besides forest plantations, numerous species and improved horticultural varieties are grown for shade and ornament. Seven genera and 21 species are native in Nevada. According to Billings, 7 additional genera are represented by the following 11 introduced species, planted chiefly in Reno and southern Nevada: Cedrus atlantica Manetti (Atlas cedar), Cedrus deodara (Roxb.) Loud. (Deodar cedar), Sequoia gigantea (Lindl.) Decne. (giant sequoia), Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl. (redwood), Metasequoia glyptostro- boides Hu & Cheng (dawn-redwood), Cryptomeria japonica (L. f.) D. Don (cryptomeria}, Thuja occidentalis L. (northern white-cedar), Cupres- sus arizonica Greene (Arizona cypress), Cupressus macnabiana A. Murr. (MacNab cypress), Cupressus sempervirens L. (Italian cypress), and Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (A. Murr.) Parl. (Port-Orford-cedar). Other ns introduced species are mentioned below under their respective native genera. References -- Billings, W. D. Nevada trees. Univ. Nev. Agr. Ext. Service Bul. 9), ed. 2, 125 p., illus. 195). (Includes culti- vated species with keys for this family and other trees. ) Little, Elbert L., Jr. Check list of native and naturalized trees of the United States (including Alaska). U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Handb. 1, 472 p. 1953. (Contains additional synonymy with cita- tions of synonyms and also ranges outside Nevada in greater detail for this family and other trees.) KEY TO GENERA A. Leaves needlelike, more than 15 mm. long, alternate or in fascicles; cone of many scales. B. Leaves in fascicles of 2-5 (1 in Pinus monophylla), with sheath at babe(atileasti when youny) te. wre .meets Loa SO te PINUS BB. Leaves single, without sheath at base. C. Older twigs roughened by peglike bases of fallen leaves; leaves l-angled or semicircular in cross-section, shed in dried speci- mens. D. Leaves -angled, acute at apex, sessile. .... .. 2. PICEA DD. Leaves flattened above and rounded or keeled below, rounded at apex, with minute petiole. ........ 54.4 6 od TSUGA CC. Older twigs smoothish or only slightly rough; leaves flat (\- angled in Abies magnifica), remaining attached in dried speci- mens. he E. Leaves with short petiole; leaf scars oval, broader than long, slightly raised; cones pendulous, with 3-pointed bracts, the scales persistent. ..... . «+ ). PSEUDOTSUGA EE. Leaves sessile; leaf scars round, not raised; cones erect, mostly on topmost branches, the bracts not 3-pointed, the seaillesideciduouss te tude cicesteo”. Jey eee er oeeABIES AA. Leaves mostly scalelike, less than 15 mm. long (awllike or needle- like in Juniperus communis, a low subalpine shrub), opposite or ternate; cone of few scales or fleshy and berrylike. F. Twigs flattened with decussate decurrent scalelike leaves; cone ofufewhscaless. 8. Arizona ash - 68. cypress - 2. Ash = 6), 65. Athel tamarisk - 5). Atlas cedar - 2. Austrian pine - 5. Basket dogwood - 59. Bignonia family - 75. Bignoniaceae - 75. Blackjack pine = ih. Blue spruce - 19. Bristlecone pine = ll. Broom menodora = 73. California incense cedar - 30. red fir - 28. (Caryopitys) - h. (monophylla) - 12. Cashew family - 7. Catalpa bignonioides = 75. speciosa - 75. Cattail pine = ll. Cedrus atlantica - 2. deodara - 2, Chamaecyparis lawsoniana = 2, Cherrystone juniper - 36. Chilopsis ~ 76. linearis - -76. (arcuata) = 76, 77. (saligna) = 76. Chinaberry - hh, 5. Chinese’ pistache - 8. Common juniper - 33. Cornacesze - 57. Cornus - 57, 58. x californica - 61. florida = 58. (instolonea) - 59. (interior) - 59. mas - 58. occidentalis - 59, 60, 62. x stolonifera - 61. (pubescens) - 60. (sericea) - 59. (interior) - 59. (occidentalis) - 60. {(stolonifera) - 59. stolonifera - 59, 61. (interior) - 59. Cryptomeria - 2. japonica = 2, Cupressaceae - 2. Cupressus arizonica - 2. macnabiana - 2. - sempervirens - 2. Dawn-redwood - 2. Deodar cedar - 2. Desert ash - 68. olive - 70. raee=el2: willow - 76. Dogwood - 58. family - 57. Douglas-fir -/15;) 23. Downy forestiera ~- 71. Dwarf juniper - 33. Eastern hemlock - 21. red cedar - 32. white pine - 5. Engeimann spruce - 19. English yew - l. Fir-= 25, Flowering deeeood = 58: Forestiera-- 6h, 65, 69. acuminata - 70. Ls (parvifolia) - 70. ' (arizonica) - 70. neomexicana - 70. (arizonica) - 70. pubescens - 71. . Foxtail pine - ll. Fragrant ash - 66, Fraxinus - 6), 65. americana - 65, "OL "ge ‘ZL *9)- STTNeoTare °¢. *E - snutg ee ea Soe ‘T - Atyues "tH - eutd °2 *T - seeoeUuTY "61 - sTsueyoyts °6T - suesund °6— - e4yttod °6T - eoneTa ‘6. - Truueutesue 261 - sotqe som §€ - eootd *—T - mek otypoeg °9¢ - aedtunf poaes-sug "tg - A[TTwey eaTTO "Tg - eea0ReTO ‘tig - eedoune e870 °2T - sutd nn "6T - eonads Lemon @ - cepeo-eqtum °GL - edveqeo useyZzoON - BLeTYSsIoy UBOTXey MON *c¢ - aoedrunt ‘Tg - yooTwey uTequnoW °gt - eM Jlesep sAeuoy "cS - septogozyserdsta etonbeseqay] "@k pad oe stonnyou) °e), - susoseutds "NL *€L - (ettedoos) on > Et) soya fel — eaqeos ‘TL_- SeptoweyquetTey ‘TL §S9 ‘tig - eaopouay °tt] - seeoelloW "Gt - (exeytTnoezquin) oT - yoretepeze i] - etrew "99 - Use TetTanyouRy ‘tt - Attwes Auesoyey *z - sserdfo qeuoey °JT - eutd etodespotT °Q - eutd zequty 1OGe7 (suezindep ) "O€ - (SNape00qTT) "O€ - SN.ps00qTT '0G - oeUuMs speuOUeT "99 - Use jJeeTsJOYyZeET *6€ ~ (wnaotndoos ) > o@@bso. euepTuTsa1TA "boo LO “€€ = wntoT BOG (stsueyeqn) adeos “Gee = (eoTatats) "OC ‘LE. See “ET - euwredsoszso 6G — STTLeWeptooo *9€ tug "9€ ‘o¢ - ewaredsouom 9€_- (edrzoouuss ) Ge) ~ STITT exes °Ge - Bue quOW iG - RyoeZe °€e foC = sTUNMMOD "ge - (Stsueyeqzn) BOTULOJTTeO ze. *h Se *T snaedrunp °27¢ = sodtune °ST - eutd seazjep °c - eutd eqytyum aseueder °2 - ssoudho uetTeqir "O€ - Tepeo ssusoUurt 0S - oBWNs pequsos-TTI "OL ~ eutd sqtum oyepl °Ttl - eezqdoy °¢ - eutd ueseTeuty "TZ - (euetsus,ieu) "Te = _(aonedorsdsay) °O€ - SUaTAnNoOep "O€ “] ~ etxepfey °Te ~ AooTWeH °2), - UsONZ-—punosy °*cl - eT yusety "99 - Use Ueery °2 - etonbes querty "29 - sussseAeTy * 9B eotqydtqtrTe "19 §15 - ehrrep °Q9 - oUSeIY “a8 - ystzewey youery g9 - (FAoumo+) "69 °99 - (e908T400) "99 §loufoge — PU QUTOA °99 - (tAeumoq) °99 - eoETass "99 - eB LeTOSOUeT "99 - eoTueazAsuued "Gg - edTaInyspuew °GQ - SOTSTaoxe *99 - eTeqzedtp "99 - eTeqyodorzoeu °cg - eyeptdsno "69 "89 - (Be0eTZ00) °99 - TETTOMOT "19 699 *S9 - eTeuoUe ‘Jl - ed~tey,eo uszeyynos °67 - oeums "99 - Use YYoows "1G - ysTsewey, TemoTIT Tews "0S - Ysnqyunys "61 - sonids ey4TS *2T - uofutd "19 - yse yeeTeTsuts "92 - ATZ dtqteaTTts °O¢ ~ ATF FOATTS °T9 —= TeSseVITts °c¢ - sedtunl eitets ‘gl - oeums UBTT TOTS *)— - eutd eazoyug "62 °9¢ - ITF per eqseug °2 - suettAreduas °Z - eoquest3 etonbeg °6T *S - eutd yoqoog "0S - (e8TLOFTOTTduTs) "0S - (eyeutnb) "05 - (etTAudostue) "0S - (e7eQoTT21}) °2S £0S - (ee0erepey) °ot] - (eTzz[ewyosg) °6t] - oewns yeTteos °S¢Gg - Jeped 4Tes °G - XTTeS "9¢€ - (sTSsUeYyeqn) °6€ - (unzotndoos ) °9¢ - (ewsedsoeyso) °Se - (STTeqeptoso ) ‘9€ - (ewzedsouow) "ce - (euTqeg) *Ttl - eveoeqny *Ty - ATtwez ony °¢) - e@lopoueuw ysnoy ‘MT - eutd mot Tes "67 - oewns "6€ - Tepeopet °6€ - sedtunl utequnoy Ayooy "0S - (stsueyezn) °gy - eutydsy “eG sOgiS Cortes ro ricars ) "2S *0S - (eyeutnb) TS (EES - Cee reude ste) "TS 0S *6q - eyeqoTT44 "0S °6N - (esthyjoroeUw ) "én - eiqeTs *gt] - @TazeTI09 °6t - (euequowsto) "0S — (eyeqoTT44) __eoTqyeuore “oT “ut - snuy °c ~ poompsey "65 - poomsop Jetso-pey °Q@c - ATF PeOd °29 - Ysnq euTUTNy °TT - eaTey °€2 - (eTTostTxey) °€2 - (eyeuoronu) 2S¢ - Bonet Se *€e - Tysetzuew "€2 - (TTseTsnop) °€z ‘tT - esnsqopnesg °2 - Jepeo-pilojig-y10g ‘tT - eutd esortepuog "et “Lt - oeums "git - 420 °gt] - Aat-uostog *JT - stTsueutyo eTYyoeystd °€T - uosutg ‘OL 6) - stTsueousem °G - snqoz4s "6T °S - staqseaThs *TT - (wnzoTndoos) °oT nll - (wnzotndoos ) Gt - (theazgel ) lS “62 ‘OT ts ‘OT Wed g - esotepuod °G - eloTsTAszed °G - eisTu ‘JT - (eueseranw) °G - osnw N66 “ee ‘or st Sov 1) 69° -seTooTquom Berea TSG Ble Sasoetdstyuorsy - eT TAydouow 6 89 - wet IZEqueT “Tete at, CL ons Fler I TOL °G - TruyT Tas °¢ = stsuedeTey ne *2T °Q °Q - STITXETS °€T - STTnpe “LT - (eueferinu) *1T_= (eFTOsT2eT) *6e%8ee S1T *L = eqa0quoo *2L — (eTtsyudouow) saptorques Nice - (eter gree 4d) ste CTT ‘9 - eyeqstie Spanish fir - 26. Spiny menodora - 72. Spruce - 18. Squawberry - 50. Squawbush - 50. Staghorn sumac - 8. (Strobus) - ). (monticola) - 10. Subalpine fir - 26, Sugar pine - 9. Sumac - 7, 18. family - 7. (Svida) - 58. (instolonea) - 59. (interior) - 59. (stolonifera) - 59. Swiss mountain pine - 5. Syrian ash - 66. Tamarack - 17. Tamaricaceae - 53. Tamarix - 53. aphylla - 5h. (articulata) - 5h. paldica = Sk, 55. parviflora - 5h. (pentandra ?) - 55. (pentandra) - 56. Tamarisk - 53, family - 53. Taxaceae - l. Taxodiaceae - 2. Taxus baccata - 1. brevifolia - 1. Thamnosma montana - he. Thuja - 30. occidentalis - 2. Tigertail spruce - 19. Toumey ash - 68, Toxicodendron - 7, 8. Tsuga - 3, 21. canadensis - 21. (crassifolia) - 21. mertensiana - 21, 29. Sieboldii - 21. Turpentine-broom - ]2. Twinberry - 73. Twinfruit - 73. Two-petal ash - 66. Umbreila chinaberry - 5. = Odea tree - 5. Utah juniper - 38. Velvet ash - 68, Washoe pine - 16. Western dogwood - 60. juniper - 35, 39. white pine - 10. yellow pine - 1), 15. White ash - 65. fir - 26, 27. pine - 8, 10. spruce - 19. Whitebark pine - 7. Yellowleaf silktassel - 62. Yew family - 1. “OE ~ stiter eet git + enka’ pi tey cuacaetind OR: Bis) ott Tyg aYS ,OS “et tty teattg a IRE aia 68 Tam wT TS . ad ae ant ere Ts “ey Nese EKO $= foueaditte rel weliewsoug "Oe = ae wh oe ore aL Mea ESTES To) ‘2 ~ See Te we ToRheg “Gt PG! WOT apse ‘og < fetpore ram) NG Sab bala ‘Gy = {RTT Sota raw) "OS * CePeqo pT pay) "25 "OS -* ( SonRaepeq) "Oh (Tea twee) ‘ou ~ OwMne. Ser Io So - aed The ; 's * Ba iee: os (Spee) "SY * {wWesoTitene 5 i, See { @tradeonygo} . LaeTe ep Tong} A ' » (Awegeg) ey ~ Sor RE ame a ‘hh Mbopee om aby SARE ts AOS are ga Rae witha de NaS om img erie ‘et cagA, Newquay Depo is ee jeer s) } hy ay ‘ } mean a, is ae tay te kad, aa ye ~ sancor tas ah (oeadiroao wn) (6) = ena TA, ye s WeMErawo : es nt aeoennante ) me